First and Foremost, to each his/her own. If you don’t celebrate, that’s your prerogative. I am going to say for me, celebrating the day you came into this world is something to be proud of. With the mortality rate of infants and children in the United States, not everyone is guaranteed to make it through life. So growing up, to me is a blessing.

Celebration under the age of 13 is different. Your parents organize every detail. They bring in the neighbors, call family, order the cake, decorate the yard, house, or hall and silently tear seeing how their baby is growing up. I don’t remember my birthdays as a child until my 13th Birthday in Lansing, Michigan surrounded by my younger brother and sister. I wore a purple and white church dress and felt so beautiful. Let me know if you remember your first birthday, without your parents showing you pictures. Before 13, it’s a fog, to be honest for me.
For my 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th years alive, I spent those birthdays with friends from High School, College, and Clubs, just hanging out. My 18th birthday and beyond was a lol – So much fun! But I was always surrounded by people who cared about me and wanted to share my special day and I am so grateful for that. After 25, I wanted to travel for my birthdays and shortly after met my now fiancé. We have spent nearly every single birthday together since we started dating in 2015 (except for 2020 ? and probably this year too due to travel restrictions still being imposed – Presidential Proclamation banning Euros from the Schengen Area).
Birthdays are a time for reflection, growth and self-awareness, and a sense of certainty. I like to reflect on my accomplishments, goals, and setbacks. I like to think, whatever didn’t break me, made me stronger. I like to think about what worked, what didn’t, what will I do better, what will I stop doing that hinders me from reaching the next level. Who do I keep around me? Who do I let go of? My birthday celebrations are like a combination of New Year Resolutions and Spring Cleaning!
I actually started a yearly tradition where I travel to [insert domestic destination]. I book a hotel, research some activities in the area, we all meet, take lots of photos, drink and be merry! Birthdays are about creating memories you can look back on and smile about. And yes you can make every day like this but the day you were born makes it that much more special.
So, ? Happy Birthday to You ? if today is your birthday just as my fiancé (Taurus ♉ ? Season Baby), if it’s past recently or if it’s coming up!

by Nancy E, Lifestyle Blogger