I take my own advice before I give any. Between personal drama (canceled wedding plans) and work (additional career) and my business (taking a big financial loss due to COVID-19), I would be lying to myself if I said it didn’t mean put weight on my shoulders.
The only thing constant is change. Life really happens and then it goes on! In most cases, unexpectedly. Planning helps but be prepared for anything to happen. That is not even an understatement or words overlooked.
2020 has knocked some real practical sense into the entire world. How we operate, how we communicate, how we do business, how we interact. How do we move forward? Life goes on. Sometimes it is hard and painful and convenient to sit on the negative emotions of all the bad. The better choice is to reflect and come to terms with how you can make your life better, do better, do what you can, and not focus on what you cannot do. Appreciate what you have accomplished and gained. No one said it would be easy, but just…