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Wedding Planning in the Midst of a Pandemic

As a fiancée, I have spent most of my time, like so many other people around the world worrying about the future and how to move forward in the “new normal” of the world. I have made many re-considerations, re-assessments, and many follow-ups on a lot of decision making.

As much as I want this to be the perfect wedding, will it be? Should I expect the same level of dedication from my Bridesmaids as I do my FH? Should I plan the same way as I envisioned several months ago? The answer to all is absolutely not! The realization is acceptance that change is inevitable and I am learning to embrace it all and push forward. The best thing I have done in this situation is focus on what I can do and not what I cannot.

So yes, I was one of those brides under normal circumstances with 8 Bridesmaids total, 2 who were Maids of Honor and 1 who was the Matron of Honor. But after the long trickling long term effects of COVID-19 I lost 4 to include 1 Maid of Honor and 1 Matron. I am more than ever grateful for the friends and family I do have that still opt to attend the wedding and respect those who cannot.

We opted to scale down on literally everything. From the dress (modest) to the wedding bands to the reception (reschedule), florist (less flower decor), Food vendor (cancelled), photography/videographer (less hours). All in the name of ❤️ we choose to continue this wedding this year. In the midst of all the chaos, love prevails. This will definitely be a year that neither one of us will ever forget!!!

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