I would consider myself somewhere between athletic and slim fat. A flexitarian who eats primarily poultry and fish, more health-conscious, one who avoids pork and beef.
I watch cute videos of cows playing catch and have even volunteered to work at a Pig Show with hundreds of little oinkers. Cows and Pigs have the intelligence of cats and dogs, can be domesticated, and yet we don’t eat them the same, at least in this country.
Don’t get me wrong, no shame to those who do indulge in meat, but the guilt overwhelms me sometimes and I opt for more vegetarian/vegan dishes a vast majority of the time. Now, when it comes to eating I opt for poultry and the type of fish that are the least intelligent.
Since about 12, I have been allergic (not deathly) to mostly fruits so vegetables and I have had a very close relationship for some time. I may have a slight reaction to fruit-infused smoothies but it’s always worth the irritation when it’s so good!
So back to the Topic. I was becoming more sensitive to foods (dairy and meat). I wanted to eat healthily and had my very last 1/4 lb burger which I ended throwing up at a restaurant. At the time I was 40% Vegetarian, it was going well and I wanted to push myself further. I was in decent shape (skinny, no muscle) and had rid myself of frequent fast food trips. Vegan, why not? It seemed easy at first, but back in 2011, it was HARD to go out and find options as easy as today. So I ended up have bland meals and never feeling satisfied. By week 3 I had literal dreams of chickens dancing with me. I could smell their fresh chicken-scented cologne and woke up thinking, I can’t really do Vegan. By week 4 I had chicken pasta.
I also opted to not have constraints over what I eat. If I am out with friends and they are having bomb steak, I’m probably going to want a “small” piece of that. It doesn’t happen often and it’s usually just as good as they describe it to be. I just can’t eat a whole steak and feel good physically about it the next day.
I am at an age that recognizes and accepts the fact that excessive consumption of meat will age your body faster than a vegan. So I will be right in the middle more leaning towards the vegan spectrum of things. Cheers to life and especially those who are fully committed to Veganism, also big shout to those that are not. It’s your life! ?
by Nancy E, Lifestyle Blogger