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New Year’s Resolution ?

I think 2020 has forced a lot of us to likely work on these goals like spending more time with family, find a new career, work on relationships, etc. Or even the opposite. I think we can all agree that our 2021 New Year’s Resolution is to at least STAY SAFE and STAY WELL. I wish that for myself, family, friends, and loved ones for the new year.

In 2020 I have put together all my experiences into a cute little package and decided on how I want to spend the next year of my life. I have to admit it was a little foggy in my mid to late twenties but things make way more sense to others as the final pieces of my puzzle board are being placed. I work on one year at a time to ALWAYS do better than the last year no matter how small. I like having practical achievements that add value over time. Most importantly, I like to work on maintaining discipline and staying focused which is MUCH harder than people realize.

For 2021, I really hope that COVID-19 goes away or at minimum, I hope it has limited to no impact on people’s lives in the near future. I thought I would step into 2021 as the wife of a German man but um.. yeah we shall see for 2021.

My personal goals are to continue what I started in 2020, language studies, re-build my clientele in my spa businesses and continue to sell products. I also want to officially launch my online educational website for professionals and continue to provide product recommendations. I plan to transfer to an RN program at NYU (completion 2023). Social Media wise, reaching 10k+ followers would be great too. As well as connecting more with friends, family, and clients. Balancing a busy work schedule and enjoying life/travel while keeping my self-care up (fitness and beauty) is a priority. And again, I want to continue to do better than last year.

Some people don’t believe in having a resolution. And I am sure those people may be very self-motivated or probably don’t care. But for me, I like to give myself goals to focus on and reach each year. So far, I have been able to get there or really close.

What are your thoughts on New Year Resolutions? Do you have any for 2021?

by Nancy E, Lifestyle Blogger

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