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E-Learning / HomeSchooling children amidst the Pandemic

Like many other parents, we are faced with the decision of sending our children to schools hoping that things will work out or keep our children home and manage as best as we can. School has been physically out of commission since March. We are into mid-August and things are not even close to being normal.

I actually homeschooled my son for 2 years due to him being too young to advance to the next grade. I filled his curriculum with a foreign language, black history, tennis sports, and travel. We really relied on online platforms to get him at and above grade level along with private tutors for Math. One of my favorite e-learning site is Khan Academy. It is free and a really great source of educational enrichment for all ages. When some of the video content doesn’t explain well enough, I go to Youtube Channel Mathantics. This Math professor is genius, animated, engaging and so helpful!! Because Math was not my favorite subject and definitely not something I feel comfortable teaching my son myself.

With everything going on, I will get my son educated on 8th-grade work for the 2020-2021 school year from the safety of my home as long as the State allows. It is my personal decision to hold off as long as possible for the safety of our family. I will also be sure to include financial readiness, budgeting, and politics. What will you do?
